
Greetings Foothills Church Family!

Julie Andrews' character in the Sound of Music, Maria Von Trapp, led the children in singing the famous song: Do-Re-Mi.  The very first lyrics of the song remind us to "start at the very beginning," because "It's a very good place to start."

It's a simple line, but a true one indeed.  If you're going to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it's best to start at the beginning - wash your hands.  If you're going to try out a new and unfamiliar board game that's sitting in your closet, it would be wise to start at the very beginning - read the instructions.

Have you ever noticed that when it comes to our understanding of the gospel, it starts with Genesis 3?  This is the chapter where we discover Adam and Eve giving in to the temptation of the serpent, thus bringing upon the human race a sinful nature and a destiny of death.  The "starting at Genesis 3" idea becomes evident when you ask Christians what the gospel is.  More often than not, the answer is "Jesus saved me from my sin."

Is that all the gospel is about?  Is it possible that the gospel is just as much about what we are saved for (most of Genesis 1-2) as it is what we are saved from (Genesis 3)? What if we followed Julie Andrews' advice, and started from the very beginning - Genesis 1-2? What would we learn about God's definition of and purpose for humanity that might expand our understanding of the gospel?

Our sermon this coming Sabbath is entitled "I'm Only Human?" I invite you to take the opportunity to read, study, and meditate on Genesis 1-3.  Here are some questions to ponder.

1. How did God prepare for the creation of humanity? (Genesis 1)

2. What privileges and responsibilities did God bestow upon humanity? (Genesis 1:26 - 2:25)

3. If Adam and Eve were perfect, why did they need a tree of life? (Genesis 2:8-9 and 3:8-9)

4. What was God's plan to save humanity when Adam and Eve fell? (Genesis 3:15, 21)

Until then, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as we are apart.  Finally, rest in the assurance that God is for you, God is with you, and God loves you!

Pastor Chris 

Foothills Community Church




God's Beauty!